Adobe Camera Raw 8.8
One of the most useful tools and practices used by professional and amateur photographers is the RAW format. Although not exactly a stretch, it is a feature that practically makes miracles.
You know those photos that are too dark or light and you usually goes? Shooting in RAW, it disappears. This type of photography can capture all the nuances and shades of lighting a scene, but then you need to "prove" the file. This is where Camera Raw goes.
Because it is much more complete than JPGs, for example, and not have some type of compression, is no program that can perform this type of image and offer all the editing possibilities. Camera Raw has tools that can open and process your RAW documents.
The Adobe Camera Raw is a plugin for Adobe suite that can be used to open photos in various digital negatives formats, including proprietary extension of Adobe itself. With it, you can spend a direct image of the camera and editing relying on advanced tools for this type of document.
Correction possibilities offered by Adobe Camera RAW are varied. You can add from simple filters to control the image exposure time so that it is lighter or darker, depending on the situation. It's like in a manual revelation, but you can control all aspects of the final result.
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