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So you’ve finished with WatchDogs and you think you’re all hacked out? Well think again. You’ve got to get rid of internet moguls (the dread ghost of Steve Jobs), steal biometric weapons (think of Judge Dread DNA encoded guns) and strangley enough prevent surveillance scramblers.
The above trailer is for the Season Pass (which Ubisoft heavily recommend), but does show some footage of the new DLC sections, don’t ask me where though the whole trailer is teasing, like these DLC missions about what’s to come (playing as the illusive T-Bone).
What there are though in "Access Granted," as taken from Ubisoft’s PR statement, are three missions:
The Palace: A police raid is planned on the luxury palace of an Internet mogul (read Kim Dot Com). His databanks have intimate details on thousands of people including Dedsec and Aiden Pearce (Gasp*). Break inside, wipe his hard drive and escape before the raid begins. Then silence the Internet mogul.
Signature Shot: A biometrics weapon has been smuggled into Chicago for a captain of the Black Viceroys gang. The weapon only works with the first person to imprint his palm on the handle (read you). Breach the stronghold, steal the package and be the first to imprint the weapon.
Breakthrough: A secret gathering is underway (to which you’re not invited). The Chicago South Club is negotiating power with Corporate CEOs. The Club has hired scramblers to block surveillance devices. Find the scrambler vehicles and take out their technicians. Locate the meeting and eliminate everyone taking part.
For the most part these seem to be pretty good side stories that borrow a lot from sci-fi/geeky tropes. The Palace feels a lot like the last episode of the BBC Sherlock, Signature Shot much like The Fifth Element, and Breakthrough… well it seems to be the opposite of what all hacker heroes do making sure that everyone’s under surveillance. So there’s some nice missions if you’re aching for more.
The thing that gets me though is if you have a really unique gun that only you can operate, wouldn’t it be harder to remain undetected? Though maybe that’s the whole point about these biometric guns, everyone will know where the bullets come from. I guess it all depends on your play style.
If it’s anything like the Black Flag DLC we’ll be swimming in new content, and characters. Or perhaps this is just a warm up to something better. There doesn’t seem to be anything particularly extensive yet, like a new campaign… so I think we’ll just have to play and see.
Watchdogs is available from all major retailers. For more information click HERE

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