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Loading: the coolest card you will see this week

If you are thinking of giving a gift to your friends, but have no idea how to create a good card enough for him to remember forever, we have a really cool solution. This is a card that simulates those old screens application loader and transmission of files in Windows 95 or Windows 98. That's right ... We're talking about a card with "Loading".

As you can imagine, it works with two interacting parts. The first is the envelope, which is the part where the loading screen will be simulated. The second is the card itself, which when removed will reveal the progress of "transfer". To see exactly how this works, you just need to look GIF that is below this paragraph.

While no company decides to make such a system is seen in stores, you can make your own version at home. And all this is simpler than you think, because it takes just a few quick steps for the construction of the cards - you can click here to access the full tutorial. Sounds good? Will do something for your Christmas shopping?

SOURCE (S) Instructables
IMAGES Instructables 

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